Guide for Authors
1. Submission of an article for publication in the journal is carried out by uploading a file (.doc, .docx format), (page - A4, portrait orientation, margins on all sides - 20 mm. Font: type - Times New Roman, size (font) - 14) through the online system OJS. Registration or authorization is available in the "Submission of materials" section.
2. The author (authors) are responsible for the content of the article.
3. When submitting an article, authors must indicate that the submitted material has not been published anywhere before and the article does not borrow text fragments from other works without references to them.
4. Authors must submit two versions of the manuscript, one of which should not contain any information about the authors, since anonymized text is required for peer review.
5. The editors of the journal accept manuscripts formatted exclusively according to the journal template.
6. The article length (excluding the title, abstracts, keywords, references, and author information) should be no less than 3,000 words and no more than 10,000 words.
7. When writing an article, authors should adhere to the IMRAD structure, which includes the title, abstracts, keywords, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, conclusion, funding information (if any), and a list of references.
8. In an article, the corresponding author is designated by an asterisk ("*"). The number of authors should not exceed 4.
9. Each article should include the MRNTI number (, article type (review, scientific article, review, etc.)
10. Photo, full name of the authors (ORCID of each author), place of work, author's email address for correspondence. (in English, Russian, Kazakh)
11. Title of the article (in English, Russian, Kazakh)
12. Abstract (a brief summary of the research article, 100-200 words), keywords (5-7 words) (in English, Russian, Kazakh)
13. Text of the article (introduction, literature review, materials and methods, results, discussion, conclusion)
14. Tables, graphs, and figures should be of high quality, numbered, and included in the text of the manuscript. Figures and graphs should be presented in one of the standard formats: PS, PDF, TIFF, GIF, JPEG, BMP, PCX. Bitmaps should be done with a resolution of 600 dpi
15. After the main text of the article, the contribution of each author, the presence/absence of a conflict of interest, and the presence/absence of funding are indicated.
16. The list of references should contain only those sources (in alphabetical order) that are referenced in the text of the work. If the sources are in any language other than English, the author provides 2 lists of references, one in the original language, the second - a transliteration and translation of the source into English. The list of references is formatted according to the international style of APA - American Psychological Association ( To format bibliographic references, you can also use the tool - Mendeley Reference Manager.
Sources published in a language other than English are subject to transliteration. Transliteration is provided using an online translator at the link
17. Information about the author/s includes: full name, scientific degree, academic title, business address with street name, house number, city, country, postal code - in Kazakh, Russian and English).